Patients and Public Partners

The G-STEP project involves partnerships with patients and the public throughout the entire research period. Our goal is to gather opinions and thoughts on IVG research and translate them into policy proposals.

※ For the updates on the number of current participants, please refer to the [Updates] page.

The Importance of Patient and Public Opinions

“The topic sounds difficult and I’m not an expert. Why don’t we just let the experts decide?”
Perhaps you may have had such thoughts. In reality, however, the opinions of scientists and medical experts are not enough. In order to ensure the appropriate advancement of science and medicine within society, the opinions of patients and the public are crucial.

“Our” Future, “Our” Ways of Using Technology

Many research projects are conducted using public funds. Furthermore, the knowledge and technology produced by research have the potential to impact society and the people who live in it in numerous ways, including changing the way people live, the way people think, and transforming social constructs. IVG research in particular is expected to have a significant and wide-ranging impact on society due to its concern with the development of life.

Therefore, it is essential for everyone in society to think together about what kind of future we want and how we want research to progress toward this future. Furthermore, it is important that these discussions take place before the application of IVG research (e.g. application for reproductive purposes) becomes a reality.

Reflecting the Perspectives of Experts by Experience

In recent years, the value of the “lived experiences” of patients and the public has been gaining recognition in various fields.

Scientists and medical experts possess specialized “scientific knowledge.” Patients and the public, however, possess their own knowledge based on their lived experiences coming into contact with scientific advances in their daily lives. These experiences are essential when discussing the current and future state of science and technology.

For example, opinions on IVG by people who have experienced infertility or whose lives are connected in some way to genetic disease are likely to be based on their lived experiences with these conditions. While these experiences are distinct from the expertise of scientists, they are equally important, especially when they are the experiences of those who will be directly affected by the application of IVG.

Let’s Think about Our Future Together

When thinking about our future, neither the perspectives of patients and the public nor the perspectives of scientists and medical experts are sufficient on their own. Rather, they function best when complementing each other.
By considering each other’s opinions and learning from each other’s ideas, we can think more deeply about society and the role which science plays within it.

When participating in the G-STEP project, necessary scientific knowledge will be provided to patient and public participants in a manner as easy to understand as possible. At the same time, we ask that patient and public participants teach the researchers about the world that they experience themselves.
Let’s bring together what we all have to offer and build this project together!

For more information on how to participate, please see the page [みんなで考えよう] in Japanese.